Submit a Post

If you are a female philosopher, I would love to hear your story. 

Here are a few questions to get you thinking... 
What has it been like being a woman in philosophy? How has the gender imbalance affected you? What drew you to philosophy? What frustrates you about philosophy? You can answer these questions, tell us a story, or even ask some questions yourself.

Send me an email with your post or your questions. It can be text or video and pictures are encouraged. Let me know your name, your university and your position (e.g. grad student, professor, etc). If you are concerned about voicing your thoughts publicly, it is fine for you to post anonymously. But, it would be great if we could get some context on who you are, so give us the amount of information you are comfortable with. For example, I could sign anonymously as "2nd year grad student in a top 50 program." 

Hope to hear from you!